The Miracles of President’s Day – Six More Weeks of Political – What?
Opinion, Politics February 17, 2021
Written And Submitted By George McClellan
This once great land, now emotionally draped in black crepe as it turns socialist, was cold, morose and heartbroken until the queen of mean who lurks in the House side of the US Congress failed once again in her cooked up scheme to destroy former President Donald John Trump, and happiness swept over the land!
Then, the President (no, no, not the imposter) but Donald Trump came out of his dwelling at Mar-a-Largo to the tumultuous cheers of hundreds of true supporters, believers in Making America Great Again, assembled along the roads ways of Palm Beach, Fl in their hundreds to cheer and dance. All marveled as the sun came out and bright warmth spread its continence on all assembled and for a time, hope and happiness prevailed.
Outside of the Mar-a-Largo scene, President’s Day was essentially cancelled due to a lack of interest. Not even in the DC Swamp could National Guard soldiers surrounding the White House, be assembled in close order ranks to raise their caps with three cheers of “hip, hip hurray,” But, the story’s not over.
In Utah, Mitt Romney’s GOP support is fractured. The media try’s to tell us his base is solid yet, while the States official GOP establishment made no move or even offered a pretense of rebuke against Romney’s vote to impeach President cum private citizen Trump, a base driven effort is indeed underway to do just that. The organizers have not been identified yet, they will, but this action show others that perhaps, just maybe, America is waking up. Utah’s State GOP president, a fellow named Brown, came out with the usual deep state excuse for not taking action for a first rate act of treason by saying: elections are where change takes place. Maybe, once, but Conservatism can’t wait four more years to change the sheets. It has to be done now!
Romney, a petty, ignorant, self-serving creature, has shown us he is still emotionally affected by Trumps refusal to gift him with a cabinet position in the administration. He is motivated by personal rancor, jealousy and, dare I say it, unChristian hatred toward President Trump. And,
Sen Richard Burr (NC) faces a similar censure action. It’s now said he will retire. If he intended to or just made the decision, it makes no matter because however he gets out, he’s gone. Democrats will try to fill his seat so North Carolina conservatives had better get cracking and find a MAGA candidate. The same applies to Louisiana. Take at Look at Greg Lirette.
President’s Day brought us another awakening. While a singularly awful weather front originated in the Plaines states, accompanied by record breaking sub zero cold and snow from Texas east, the Green New Deal renewable energy machines failed completely. While our landscape is cluttered with avian blenders (wind mills), these devices froze solid and couldn’t even create enough energy to unfreeze themselves let alone provide electricity to millions of hopeless customers just trying to stay alive. Green energy on a mass scale is unaffordable because it can’t pay for itself. Government subsidies is the only reason these giant windmill eyesore are continuing to be erected across our nation, apart form the fact we’re buying them from China. They don’t accomplish their goal as this one winter storm demonstrated. We’re being conned by false science and Leftist propaganda
And finally…Isn’t it great that President’s Day excludes lying, murdering despot governors like Chris Cuomo? 15,000 dead seniors, by his direction, not to mention the uncounted number of abortions of new American citizens is the Democrat plan to depopulate America. Like Comrade Stalin said, “The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, now, go get ’em! (17Feb21)
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